View Profile NeoSkywalker

Age 30, Male


college of the north atlantic

ZIM's House

Joined on 7/30/07

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I'm sorry about Vixion Warfare, I will animate it by way of stuff like Hell Boss and Far Fetched, Murder drones, and so on

but I think I need to talk about something important.

I was going to work on Beats for another novel. or at least revise something old.....and I am in the middle of

doing a project I've been putting off since May. keep your pants on, it's a Kyle and Maria cartoon.

better than when I just did to test out my knowledge We miss you Richard Williams!

but speaking of things to miss....

guys....Dreamworks is going down the toilet.

no more Shrek 5.

no sequel to the Bee Movie

The Minions and their faithful Gru have one.

no more mature kids films from the "My Computer animated kid's film company can beat up your Computer Animated kid's

film company".

Shrek is dead.

the Wild robot, which I have no intent on seeing, is getting a release and now Shrek is going to have to be replaced.

by some banana loving piss stain. I loved Shrek 2. I used to be scared of the first Shrek but now that I've been

subjected to the culture of Ogreism

I always wanted to do great epics just like Shrek 2.

Shrek 3 was so shitty me and my cousin saw it in theaters and were hugging eachother in fear.

I didn't bother with 4.

I have other things in my life to deal with.

however, I should put out that people were hungry for Dreamworks. there was potential. My mother told me about

how animated films work:

and she said they have to be shown at film festivals.

I remember telling mom that Shrek was the first film to WIN BEST ANIMATED FEATURE!

I didn't like Kung Fu panda.

now here is some of the problems I have had all along with Dreamworks. everything that wasn't Pixar was always the same

"Ooooh look at me! I am voiced by [insert lousy celebrity here] and I fart, make pop culture references and..."

then you have the big hottest new song on the radio.

Maybe we can rest easy but.....

Minions are not going to tell our kids lessons.

and they, as well as AI and Cocomelon are NOT I repeat NOT going to pull off the

level of emotion shown here:

and Pixar? poor Pixar. they're going to do sequels into Infinity and Beyond.

as so to speak.

Elio will probz be their last hurrah if it fails.

if any one wants to see it

I had this idea for a Dreamworks movie:

Chipmunks of Egypt. a story of romance and teen angst.

my parents wanted me to not do it because they thought it was too complex.

so what do you think?

is it for the best that the company behind Monsters Vs, Aliens is going away.....

or is it better for people to cut production costs to better make animation


you're the smart one!

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