View Profile NeoSkywalker

Age 31, Male


college of the north atlantic

ZIM's House

Joined on 7/30/07

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NeoSkywalker's News

Posted by NeoSkywalker - September 16th, 2024

I'm sorry about Vixion Warfare, I will animate it by way of stuff like Hell Boss and Far Fetched, Murder drones, and so on

but I think I need to talk about something important.

I was going to work on Beats for another novel. or at least revise something old.....and I am in the middle of

doing a project I've been putting off since May. keep your pants on, it's a Kyle and Maria cartoon.

better than when I just did to test out my knowledge We miss you Richard Williams!

but speaking of things to miss....

guys....Dreamworks is going down the toilet.

no more Shrek 5.

no sequel to the Bee Movie

The Minions and their faithful Gru have one.

no more mature kids films from the "My Computer animated kid's film company can beat up your Computer Animated kid's

film company".

Shrek is dead.

the Wild robot, which I have no intent on seeing, is getting a release and now Shrek is going to have to be replaced.

by some banana loving piss stain. I loved Shrek 2. I used to be scared of the first Shrek but now that I've been

subjected to the culture of Ogreism

I always wanted to do great epics just like Shrek 2.

Shrek 3 was so shitty me and my cousin saw it in theaters and were hugging eachother in fear.

I didn't bother with 4.

I have other things in my life to deal with.

however, I should put out that people were hungry for Dreamworks. there was potential. My mother told me about

how animated films work:

and she said they have to be shown at film festivals.

I remember telling mom that Shrek was the first film to WIN BEST ANIMATED FEATURE!

I didn't like Kung Fu panda.

now here is some of the problems I have had all along with Dreamworks. everything that wasn't Pixar was always the same

"Ooooh look at me! I am voiced by [insert lousy celebrity here] and I fart, make pop culture references and..."

then you have the big hottest new song on the radio.

Maybe we can rest easy but.....

Minions are not going to tell our kids lessons.

and they, as well as AI and Cocomelon are NOT I repeat NOT going to pull off the

level of emotion shown here:

and Pixar? poor Pixar. they're going to do sequels into Infinity and Beyond.

as so to speak.

Elio will probz be their last hurrah if it fails.

if any one wants to see it

I had this idea for a Dreamworks movie:

Chipmunks of Egypt. a story of romance and teen angst.

my parents wanted me to not do it because they thought it was too complex.

so what do you think?

is it for the best that the company behind Monsters Vs, Aliens is going away.....

or is it better for people to cut production costs to better make animation


you're the smart one!

Posted by NeoSkywalker - June 6th, 2024

I will send it to Spiderforest once I send it to other platforms.

can't send it to NG because the images were too big. recently sent it to


plus? I'm thinking of animating a cartoon for the tubes, and the newgs.


edit: got blammed. hasn't happened to me in so damn long :(



Posted by NeoSkywalker - November 17th, 2023

hey guys.....

It's been a while, eh? eh?

ehhhh? eeehhhh? eeeeeeeeeeh?

and I recently got this idea for a show about these things called ....well, take a look for yourself on the forums,,,,a like so


I was thinking of doing the "Seedles" idea; Pets for the gods, which I kind of think as kind of like Bionicle or Atlantis kind of stuff going on, as is there is no .....well, it might not be simple,

but keep in mind I am not going back to school for upping my grades on Math and Science stuff in College, and for now I am going to have to have my college studies on hold for now, but I do have a job soon, (spoilers: it's a Janitorial job) and if you like this "Seedles" idea I came up with, I would love to get everyone talking about it.

something I can talk about that won't annoy people, something I will know all about, but people won't start to do things like

get angry when I stretch things out for ....actually I was more or less kicked into motion of getting motivated or inspired to persue this "Seedles" idea.

pay no attention to the other idea; which some may know as "Vixion Warfare"- Invader ZIM with spiritualism and War.

rather, I was kind of driven to unleashing the God's pets idea, with, well.....this:

warning: refs to cocaine and sekchual instances and much more.

and yeah, I'm going to have to rewatch this review in order to know what my idea werein lies.


let's all just wait and see, right, Jim Henson...?


until we meet again.



Posted by NeoSkywalker - January 27th, 2023

did you know I've been drawing and creating characters and stories and worlds for about 20 years? see this? Scenery porn. though I should elaborate. I remember that when I was hitting High School about in 2008, about 2 years after I started animating. (First with MS Paint and Movie maker, then with Flash) and I went to the VG cats Forums. and I'd like to say that I'm sorry-

I was not using my true style. guys. it's me. NotMyself. from the VG cats forums? and folks, let me first get this out of the way: I was experimenting with different Graphical styles and to be honest, I forgive everyone calling me a Failed Abortion and a Retard. Scott R, I'm sorry what I was making wasn't Heavy Metal or anything like a R34 cartoon.

I'm sorry for lying. in 2011 I had my style completely deteriorate. and then .....I upped my game recently. I think my Drawings improved ten fold recently. my friend who works with Indie Games as a hobbyist told me to draw his character from some RPG he was making......... and then I finally saw what people IRL said about my art looking like it came from

something on TV. me personally? I don't want to make something forgettable like Kaput and Zozki. Where I come from there is more than just Johnny Test and the Total Drama franchise. people, My main goal is to be the best I can be.

just think about it. when you signed up was it really so you could lie about your age to watch Hentai? it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. but once again..."Animation sucks"!? god that's going to come back to haunt me! plus I keep switching between Opentoonz and Blender, and now That I showed my mom those animations I made recently........... she suggested I make a story with it and characters?!

so what? the next Hazbin Hotel?

I remember having a dream where I had an action figure of Angel on my desk. I woke up and thought "it's a sign".

take from this what you will, but I never will know if I get to Digital Animation at college.

look forward to something like a Demo Reel or at least a Pilot. nay. Multiple pilots. I was thinking like a Austin Powers Lesley Neilson and Mel Brooks style spoof of anime. that has legs.

too bad I lost the script because Bill Gates

yeah you get it.

if anyone asks, I'll be trying to figure out how to animate without getting ............well, It's nice to have tutorials. (exhausted face)

Posted by NeoSkywalker - December 15th, 2022

1.      Either …

A)     A world inside an Autistic Brain, or……

B)     A sort of Allegorical symbolism thing for autism about Robots….

Sound like a done deal?

2.      Hmmmmm…..why in the ASS am I thinking Spider man?

Maybe I am doing an idea of a slick version of Spiderman, like the Matrix meets…………………………eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh?

Maybe It can be about a teenager, who………..Well, I guess he gets his powers from a Blue alien (yes, like those)


Yeah that’ll give me some material, I’m sure.

Maybe even, you know, I could get this Superhero idea with a webcomic site (probably get ………………………………………………………………I don’t know, psychical copies to sell) along with “Playing the Part” fantasy version.

And as for any sort of, well…. There you go. I would make the villains, I don’t know. Maybe instead of…


I’m sooo tired. Lesson learned. Never jack off before bed. Even if that is your only way of falling to sleep.

So what’s the back story to this…Spider Man Avatar?

Well, we’ll have to wait until the movie surfaces, won’t we? Maybe it can be inspired by when I was a young boy. Who knows?

Maybe this colonization theme can be worked even more, eh?







3.      Great. Now I’m thinking about Toy Story… I’ve got the best thing!

What do 13-year-old drawings do… and you can figure out where shit goes down from theree. You know!!

I was thinking maybe it would turn into a homeward bound situation where the drawings have to go rescue their creator after she’s been taken away from social services!

Now If I could get that story made, then I can stop stealing the bricks from your house one by one

What gave me this idea was either, you know, I was inspired by a sketch book tour, or maybe this can be celebration of creative thinking like Brigsby Bear.

But mostly I got the idea when Tyler said he wanted to do the Rugrats movie. He meant “things that shouldn’t have lives but do” and I was like “OMGBBQ I have just the thing!” I had work done on the concept, but no actual shitting on the pot.

So what? Just study deviantart?

I’ve got at least 3 characters:

·      Maverick the Space Marine

·      A snarky Fallen Angel

·      And a grumpy Demigod.

Sound good? Good. Now go get some pastries with me. Take the canolies.

The idea is gonna surface, sure… but the idea can’t be any worse than Brave Little toaster.

I trust that the Sequel to Sausage Party will be less excessive.

4.      Vampire Dragons? Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwd….

Maybe this can do for like….a character (or rather a long line of characters? An…ARC?!) for the Newfie Dragon lore show?

But why not just make a Drama about a made-up sort of 300-inspired work called “Dogma Age”…. I don’t know. It has a lot of stuff, like…. This character or “type” of characters, resembling Abe from Oddworld called “The Foosl Mangl”. And the story??

5.      ……………..hmmmm concept involving Ceit the wolf…..

The “Midas Well”. Might as well? The “Midas Well”?

I was thinking maybe Ciet and some human friend of his go to a Well which, at the bottom has this strange hand-like device (I was thinking like a finger glove or something but your guess is all I can take) and Ceit ends up obtaining the Midas Touch! But instead of turning everything into gold like the ancient myth, (fairy tale, whatever, same idea) it electrocutes anything you touch!

It was an idea I came up with in….god I wanna say 2011? Also his friend resembles a character from Ranma ½.

Sorry, It was a slow year for me. I was…. Constantly shitting the bed that year.

And it would be perfect since it’s such a simple idea! Short film anyone?

6.      Scientist?....revival of idea?....why not?

In 2005, I had to finish Newfie dragon because it was annoying my dad.

Then, Ian thought I was “running Out of Ideas” …..saying that I shouldn’t be making this hypothetical sequel to Newfie Dragon: one where I am a mad scientist …

And a little girl named Sara Parsons is trying to prove of that I was doing experiments… too complex for man to oversee….

And every time little Sara caught me, I would soon act nonethewiser and be like ZIM from Invader ZIM to Sara’s Dib Membrane. I never completed this, but looking back I say this would make a great…


Great. Now I wanna say something Toyetic or something. Great. What else would there be? I mean, I can make it a Manga! ….and if there is an audience for this, maybe the idea can surface in, oh, sayyyyy…. 2031? Yeah. I’ll be ready. And that’ll have to …hold on. I can do this idea one day at a time and stop at 2031! Howdaya them apples?

7.      Another Space opera…

But nothing like Vixion Warfare, Star Wars, Star Trek, or…maybe Final Space.

These things can’t be used like toys.

Hmmm…. Maybe this can be the fucking X men novel?

I mean,

I wanted to combine two franchises known for being so damn smart! So what do I do here? Hmm… well, I guess I can go ahead and use that “Teenagers possessing Aliens” thing again. Ah. Webcomic. That’ll work.

8.      Something to… spin off of the Fantasy Puppet show?

Maybe a prequel done in animation? About the Native girl’s people?

Just a thought.

And it really doesn’t matter what style we do this in! how about Water colors?!

I just wanted to make this unique, suffice to say I want this to work?

The work can have themes of family and spiritualism

9.      Another idea involving snow?

Hmmm… alright, what about ….a mafia story. Involving a Train. With my own version of DBSH and the Youtube Ranters.

I tried to do this idea…. Or, rather I didn’t. because the whole thing was supposed to be a Vixion Warfare spin off.

10.  Rick and Morty …?

I want to either say BUT NOT or Meets Family guy.

Definitely gonna have to phone this one in.

I remember I once made a pitch bible where I made a story about an irredeemable hero who bared a resemblance to Jodi Weedwhacky.

Don’t ask. She’s a female Doctor who actor.

So, if you take some vitamins, just remember….


Seriously? I’m just gonna cut it right here.

let me know which one you liked the most. choa!


Posted by NeoSkywalker - March 30th, 2022

thank you for the support, I couldn't ask for more! I even want to make a video game right now if I'm up for the challenge of stepping out of my god damn comfort zone! ever since that thread I made where I said that big pissed off Rant about the animation world.... You have no idea how much it means to me that people like that dude with the reindeer avatar (dude, what's your name? you're awesome!) anyway, yeah.....I'm in college now. I am about to do some serious shit here!

like a mystery project coming this weekend!

but yeah, aside from that fucking slap, I think the REAL slap in the face was getting animation dubbed as "only for kids".

also one of these days I am going to have to sit down and actually watch Encanto. I have very low expectations and All I have to say is "let's see this shit".

hmmm....anyway whatever.

thanks guys!


Posted by NeoSkywalker - December 9th, 2018

is Arin Hanson autistic?




After hearing his voice in a disgusting Abridged parody of "My Hero Academia"..... I think if I ever get an answer of "yes", then I should just say that it makes me sick to see that Autism is a legitamate way of saying someone is stupid.


autistic PEOPLE. black PEOPLE. gay PEOPLE.



you are missing a key word here.

Posted by NeoSkywalker - September 1st, 2014

I like doctor who. I personally want to make another remix of "The hunchback of notredame"

Posted by NeoSkywalker - February 5th, 2011

Does anyone from 2009 know what this hellish old "Disney" logo look like in 1998?! ANYMORE!? if the simplest thing for something to open with is a goatse fetish, my friend you have a fucking retarded way to put with the slip of the button

whoah....i keep my ideas locked saved salary away from three worlds of the times that I ever EVER destriscted from the the the the the INSPECTOR FAGGOT .....

oh, somebody hellin' damn must have screwed by the gwackamole! I'ma get some 'puter drugs; maybe see what further retreadings of blah boahgo'pgap'srighping'pnf'pfdgb'idg'ie 'piheg'oherhig'




Posted by NeoSkywalker - August 21st, 2010

Prepare yourselves for:

My new persona:

If any sort of spoilers are to be revealed: Don't forget to bring your costume, and never never NEVER forget that it's GOT to have a white trenchcoat for da lab! Conspiricists may wear their hair in pony tails, but I say that's the problem with "SvdImach"...please, thank Myers for that fucking statement about my dad's visual mind again, and...I promise I won't show this hideous video of....a fallfed youngling in the facility mainframe of...*gulp*

/* */
....Prepare for the entire world of the second War...to KUM to fucking life before your eyes...

(shows a night time shot of a Catterpillar Stormtrooper.... at sleep at night....


C:....uhhh....I'll get the phone...

(gets a call)

C:...what? That? infront of the whole city? ....uh-oh.

Caller: that's right....The Aardvarks want to come out to play...

C: Do NOT finish that sentance!!

Caller: now, Joe....Please...I'm an office drone land Shark who programs power ups all day? do you think I'm making One- Ups in a garden all day?

Joe: What Happen?

Shark: your mom.

Joe: Which one, asshole? the one that's trying to bring back two loser super heroes; a Crocidile and a fuggin' Skateboarder Cat...

Shark:...yeah, but are you forgetting something?

(shows Felicia Heckart, The Spoof parody of every. single. "Hot chick who fights people/wears leather/ biker; otherwise beat-'em-up action movie" woman with this time being an autistic savant that annoys people without knowing it sometimes...Keep in mind, she does infact kill every body quite nicely all the time-UNINTENTIONALLY...by whatelse but talking to herself...anyway, at this point she has a motor bike and she's riding it (oh man, are you gonna hate what I'm gonna do to Y-Bot...)

Anyway, She only has one leg, and she's riding
Y-bot as an Akria bike looking like it's Canadian... WHAT INSIDE JOKES!?)

Joe: Yeah, I know! I know! But Pixar lied to us! Hence the reason this Fucker of an Imsoniac teenager is-!

Shark: Trying to blow herself up at THREE in the morn'?

Joe: Everytime, I swear to god, I might as well become-!

Shark: a wood carrying bastard?

Joe: Everytime, those movies parody themselves, I swear to god!

Shark: The Toy Marker?

Joe: To infinity and....?

Shark: Spy kids......(shivers into a bed)

Joe:Things could fly...

Shark: hehe.....Tell me about it......

Joe: We shall begin a new....

Shark: What about....

Joe: Forget the Nostalgia Bomb with-!

Shark: ............I throw mud...

(squeezes cigar and crumbles it.)

Shark: at that stupid DRAGOOOONNN!!!!

And there ya have it! My only self promotion that of a script part that I will never use!! HUTTAH!